Village of Boston Heights
Planning Commission
Agenda for Wednesday, November 2, 2022 7:00PM
Note: The Board of Zoning Appeals will meet at 7PM on November 10, 2022.
Planning Commission
- Correction and/or adoption of minutes
Sheetz, Inc. (applicant) Deferred from September 2022
[Ref. Maplewood Lodging LLC (owner of record)]
6625 Dean Memorial Parkway (parcel 1301028) aka Norwood Inn formerly Clarion Inn
- Request for conditional use certificate for convenience store fueling station and car wash
with diesel parking and fueling in RB district per CO 1160.03 & Hines Hill Overlay District
per CO 1163.
- Request for approval of site plan for same, per CO 1151.05 et al.
GPD Group / Josh Lyons (applicant) on behalf of Sheetz, Inc. Deferred from Jun-Sep 2022
[Ref. Maplewood Lodging LLC (owner of record)]
6625 Dean Memorial Parkway (parcel 1301028) aka Norwood Inn formerly Clarion Inn
- Review request for approval of site plan for above, per CO 1151.05 et al.
- Old Business
- New Business