Village of Boston Heights
Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals
Agenda for Wednesday, August 3, 2016 7:00PM
Board of Zoning Appeals
- Correction and/or adoption of minutes
- Sagamore Soils / (property owner: 8 & 80 Holding for Boston Hills Property Investment LLC)
Parcel # 1300723 (southeast corner of Olde Eight Rd and E. Hines Hill Rd)
Request for review and re-issue of Aug’14 variance and CO 720 Permit to allow temporary use of
parcel for soil storage, processing, and distribution facility in OP District.
Planning Commission
- Correction and/or adoption of minutes
- Camco Enterprise LLC (applicant / owner)
6855 Industrial Parkway (American Ultra Specialties) parcel 1310630
Request for final site plan approval for truck wash station facility in in RB district.
Note: per Conditional Use Certificate and preliminary site plan approval April 2016
- Brimfield Aggregate Inc. (Ohio # 3884299) dba Olde 8 Mulch (applicant) resubmitted
Robert W. Robinson - Brandywine Development (owner)
7600 Olde Eight Road
Request for review and approval in GB district for:
- Conditional Use Certificate: mulch storage and sales use per CO 1159.03(m).
- Site plan for storage and sales facility for said conditional use.
- Planning Commission
Review of Planning and Zoning Code revision proposals (phase 1). CO 1151 et al.
- Planning Commission
Consideration of Hines Hill Corridor Overlay rezoning proposal.
- Old Business
- New Business